
Caohai Masterplan, Kunming CN, 2010

A development concept and master plan for the Caohai Lake area in Kunming. The key concepts are:

1) Destination: create a place, where the residents of Kunming want to go for leisure

2) Water: reconnect the city to water by bringing the lake into the city, create a new shoreline, islands, ecological  wetlands and open canals, and revaluate the existing rivers

3) A string of pearls: develop the lakeshores as a continuous string of diverse places with distinct characters

4) Connect: create a multitude of connections between these places, both internally and externally (views, paths, routes, roads, ferries)

5) ‘Hotpot’: create a busy urban marina bay surrounded by a leisure promenade and a dense waterfront development

Client LEP Consultants AG, Zurich, The City of Kunming and Kunming Urban Planning and Design Institute (KUPDI)
Time 2010
Team Tommi Mäkynen, Mirjam Niemeyer, Antti Ahlava
Collaborators LEP Consultants AG, KUPDI