Volta Nord, Basel CH, 2019
Volta Nord is a hinge between two worlds: the traditional working-class district of St. Johan and the industrial area north of Voltastrasse. Due to the transformation from a pure industrial use to a residential and commercial district, they intersect and partially melt together. This is not about a hard-edged dualism, Volta Nord is much more a crouching re: Volta.
The quarter has a clear hierarchical public space for intuitive readability. The Lysbüchelstrasse acts as the quarter axis, the new quarter square as a focal point in the middle, side streets with distinct blocks as neighborhoods, network the quarter towards the park and the nature reserve along the tracks. All houses become related to each other through the interwoven outdoor spaces.
The not yet established residential address and the presence of industry enable the creation of living space for pragmatic people who appreciate inexpensive architecture and for the young, urban, and future-oriented people who find the industrial flair charming. The three exemplary blocks can be read as new interpretations of the “Basler Hof” and offer communal living in individually programmable houses.
In order for the young, urban, and future-oriented residents to actually come to the Volta district and feel comfortable in re: Volta, a curated selection of appropriate uses and activities in the quarter square, park, cross street, courtyards, and ground floor is required.
Collaborators Schmid Landschaftsarchitekten GmbH, Metron Verkehr, Raumplan Wirz, Intosens