HZ Partner Mirjam Niemeyer together with @nataliyakozub write about Circular Construction in Ukraine in the book “Urban Coalition for Ukraine: Strategies and Proposals”. The publication reflects the work of the first year of @ro3kvit and is a part of the Histories of Ukrainian Architecture program initiated by DOM publishers in response to Russia’s attack on Ukraine’s sovereignty on 24 February 2022. #rebuildingukraine #publication #circularconstruction #ukraine #ro3kvit #resilience #solidarity #urbanplanning #architecture #circularbuilding #circularcity #homesfortomorrow

As part of the Open House Zürich program, Hz’s Tommi gives an input lecture at the panel discussion on the topic of “How much GREEN? How much CITY? We take a look at the Manegg district.” and then discusses with representatives of the business community and developers, as well as our colleague Sevim as an architect and resident, whether the Manegg neighborhood is really the high-quality living space that was desired at the start of planning over ten years ago. #paneldiscussion #openhousezurich #manegg


The small hybrid – Parish House and Apartments ELKZ, Zurich CH, 2022: Now published in Baunetz – the biggest online magazine in German language. Check it out: http://www.baunetz.de/cid/8317465 #parishhouse #housing #ensemble #haritage #church #realized #apartments #zurich


If in Berlin: HZ‘s Mirjam Talks about Circular Building at the Berliner Bücherfest 2023 on Saturday #circularity #circularbuilding #sustainability #sustainablebuilding #BerlinerBucherfest https://t.co/N0zrSb2Xmi


Zukunftsbahnhof in Lichtensteig CH – the planning was kicked-off with a three workshop this week! HZ’s Tommi is happy to be part of the Advisory Board w/ Pascal Angehrn of In-Situ #expert #urbandesign #architecture #adaptivereuse #infillhousing #publicspace https://t.co/VVd0jV0ZQJ

HZ’s Mirjam talking tonight @EPFL – Round table: Ukraine. Architectures of Emergency. https://t.co/UkA8M2FVh2 #RebuildingUkraine #Architecture #CircularBuilding


SteNiGa Kick-off today: Plan an industrial area on the biggest land reserve of the Rhône valley in Oberwallis CH – such an exciting task! #greenfield #brownfield #industrialarea #infrastructure #NEAT #circulareconomy #urbanplanning https://t.co/qCKoPL7jyT