The small hybrid – Parish House and Apartments ELKZ, Zurich CH, 2022: Now published in Baunetz – the biggest online magazine in German language. Check it out: #parishhouse #housing #ensemble #haritage #church #realized #apartments #zurich
If in Berlin: HZ‘s Mirjam Talks about Circular Building at the Berliner Bücherfest 2023 on Saturday #circularity #circularbuilding #sustainability #sustainablebuilding #BerlinerBucherfest
Zukunftsbahnhof in Lichtensteig CH – the planning was kicked-off with a three workshop this week! HZ’s Tommi is happy to be part of the Advisory Board w/ Pascal Angehrn of In-Situ #expert #urbandesign #architecture #adaptivereuse #infillhousing #publicspace
SteNiGa Kick-off today: Plan an industrial area on the biggest land reserve of the Rhône valley in Oberwallis CH – such an exciting task! #greenfield #brownfield #industrialarea #infrastructure #NEAT #circulareconomy #urbanplanning