
HZ w/ Rombo and Böe have received a follow-up commission to elaborate the revitalization plans for the Eastern Center of Rapperswil-Jona on the lake of Zurich. Scale model showing the current situation. #weplace #urbanrenewal #revitalization #bettercitybetterlife #urbandesign https://t.co/AXOPaaaPn4

HZ‘s Mirjam talks about Sustainability in Urban Development and Architecture today at ‚Immo Dialog Ost‘ in St. Gallen https://t.co/DQ9Xx3sm3G


HZ’s Mirjam organized a successful podium discussion on Sufficiency in Building and Construction industry for ZBV at the Architekturforum Zürich last night – full house and a lively, fruitful discussion! #sufficiency #sustainability #constructionindustry #buildingindustry https://t.co/OytRbkHKfR


HZ’s Mirjam gives a lecture tonight on circular construction in the context of rebuilding Ukraine! #RebuildingUkraine #CircularConstruction https://t.co/H0PbgMhW7t

Masterplan Elfenau Park, Bern CH, 2021

Culture Cafe Whisper, Zurich CH, 2022


Rebuilding Ukraine from Debris – article by Philipp Meuser in the latest @ZEITmagazin referring to work done by HZ’s Mirjam and Natasha Kozub for New European Bauhaus #rebuildingukraine https://t.co/OG83pD4myP


HZ made development studies for #Nokianpuisto Helsinki made with Ateljé Sotamaa and Arkitekturum – time to create a centre for this growing arts district! https://t.co/WLTyMVU3ou

Gallisacher Ost Development, Augst CH, 2022

Parish House in Enge, Zurich CH, 2022

Swiss House, San Francisco US, 2022

HIAG-Areal Development, Pratteln CH, 2020

Private House, Copenhagen DK, 2022