Bildschirmfoto 2024-01-11 um 16.30.57

Bahnhofstrasse Nord, Herisau CH, 2023

Our design connects Herisau train station to the heart of the city, crafting a distinctive architectural statement. By blending seamlessly into the historic town while harmonizing with modern infrastructure, our buildings act as a beacon of identity for the city and the region at the station.
Embracing a smaller-scale structure, we’ve meticulously woven together public spaces, small scaled retail in the right places and complementary new residential offerings in the city center. Our design bridges the gap between heritage buildings and contemporary station structures, with a pedestrian-friendly platform facilitating easy access between levels.

Client municipality Herisau, Appenzeller Bahnen AG, VIP Siwss AG
Time 2023
Team Tommi Mäkynen, Mirjam Niemeyer, Zofia Józefowicz, Paula Cruzado
Collaborator Mettler Landschaftsarchitektur, Rombo GmbH