Eastern Riverfront Rhine, Schaffhausen CH, 2022

With minimal interventions, one of the few open spaces in the city of Schaffhausen is being significantly enhanced. The enhancement of the eastern Rhine riverbank results in a substantial improvement in the quality of the public space with minimal intervention. Important historical buildings, such as the former gasworks area, are carefully integrated into the open space structure and revitalized.
The character and spatial qualities of the former Schaffhausen vineyards are being embraced and reinterpreted. Additionally, the local history is continued and made visible with new landing quays for the historic Schaffhausen Weidlinge.

Client Stadt Schaffhausen
Time 2022
Team Tommi Mäkynen, Mirjam Niemeyer, Paula Cruzado
Collaborators Westpol Landschaftsarchitektur, Transitec, Dost Architektur, Sabine Brinizer