Eastern Riverfront Rhine, Schaffhausen CH, 2022

The eastern bank of the Rhine lies to the east of the historic old town of Schaffhausen, which is an important conservation area. The processing perimeter lies below the Munot and at the gates of the historic old town and was once characterized by vineyards and villas. Today it is an important leisure area for the people of Schaffhausen. In the future, these qualities are to be further strengthened and a generous public space created for the city that can do more. The “Aufleben” concept is based on the unique location and the potential for upgrading the existing buildings and open spaces. From the Unterstadt district to the Fischerhäuser quarter and the Gaswerk area, the city will be extended to the east, an attractive residential and recreational area will be created, in particular attractive housing near the Rhine will be developed and new places will be created. Existing structures will be used and few dependencies created. Along the promenade, a new quarter is being developed from the existing buildings: by densifying, creating new places and addresses, networking and upgrading. The Rheinufer Ost will be revitalized in the process through independent steps.

Stadt Schaffhausen
Time 2022
Team Tommi Mäkynen, Mirjam Niemeyer, Paula Cruzado
Collaborators Westpol Landschaftsarchitektur, Transitec, Dost Architektur, Sabine Brinizer