Bildschirmfoto 2023-12-11 um 13.09.27

Block Barblanstrasse, Chur CH, 2023

In a highly heterogeneous built environment, a perimeter block surrounding an open courtyard provides clear orientation. Inside, a generous green space serves as a central focal point, giving the neighborhood a new identity. The apartments are organized into compact linear buildings and a distinctive point block. A clear construction grid allows for serial and modular manufacturing, enabling cost-efficient building and a variety of apartment types and sizes. The floor plans are designed so that all apartments face at least two directions. Spacious terraces open towards the communal courtyard.
The large inner courtyard forms the heart of the residential complex. A variety of recreational areas, pavilions, and groves create a diverse atmosphere and encourage neighborhood interaction. Parts of the existing buildings are repurposed as communal spaces, making the development of the quarter evident. Access is provided through open staircases, while parking is located in an underground garage. The phasing concept allows for the gradual realization of the project, with later stages utilizing the potential for densification to achieve maximum site utilization.

Client landowner
Time 2023
Team Tommi Mäkynen, Mirjam Niemeyer, Paula Cruzado
Collaborators Haag Landschaftsarchitektur