
Xiliangtang Wetland Park Masterplan, Kunming CN, 2010

The ‘Kunming Dianchi International City Wetland Park Project’ aims to become a nationwide benchmark for developing wetland areas. The concept is to turn a wetland area into a sustainable mixed-use development combining an ecological wetland park with an urban leisure destination and a residential area.
Based on the existing topography, green structure, hydrological situation and the field structure of the site, the master plan integrates these three elements and creates an archipelago to be surrounded by a park. Swissité – high quality, well-networked public spaces, a fine-grained mix of uses and daring contrasts in building styles – is the guiding principle for the design. Accordingly, the residential area is conceived as a series of differentiated islands and the urban leisure destination as an eclectic mix of ‘Swiss urban moments’.

Client LEP Consultants AG, Zurich, Junfa Development PTE Ltd, Kunming
Time 2010 – 2011
Team Mirjam Niemeyer, Tommi Mäkynen, Guillaume Yersin, Luis Hilti
Collaborators LEP Consulatants AG, Maxmakers Ltd., Christian Salewski, James Melsom