
Niderfeld Masterplan, Dietikon CH, 2012

Niderfeld (Dietikon, CH) is one of the last remaining large undeveloped areas in the fast growing Metropolitan area of Zurich – Switzerlands main Metro-region. The vision is to create a high-quality urban mixed-use Quarter along the planned light-rail connection.

The concept is based on connecting the site with the surrounding valley-landscape, the existing mosaic-like field structure, and an internal ‘Ring’ connecting the three differentiated neighbourhoods. This transit-oriented greenfield scheme achieves very high sustainability standards thus enabling the city of Dietikon to gain a sustainability label ‘Energiestadt Label Gold’.

A strong focus was on the connection of the project area to the adjacent districts, as it is surrounded by strongly cutting traffic axes. Due to the given noise exposure the concept reacts with longitudinal buildings and appropriate use of topography and vegetation towards the adjacent streets.

Client City of Dietikon, CH
Time 2012-2013
Team Tommi Mäkynen, Mirjam Niemeyer, Jonathan Kischkel
Collaborators Antón & Ghiggi, SNZ, econcept