The future of the Schlachthof Area, Zurich – HZ selected with team for test planning — We are excited to share that our team, in collaboration with Planikum, Rombo Verkehrsplanung, Denkmalwerkstatt, Albprojekte, Maresa Kuhn, and Stephan Brunner, has been selected by the Amt für Städtebau, Zürich, to work on the test planning for the Schlachthof area in Zurich. #UrbanDevelopment #Zürich #SchlachthofAreal #Heritage #PublicSpace #Landmark #Sustainability #CircularEconomy #Transformation #Innovation #FoodProduction #FoodCluster #Participation #TemporaryUse #helsinkizurich #Zurich #SlaughterhouseArea #BetterCityBetterLife #Collaboration
Arcplus from Shanghai visits helsinkizurich in Zurich for an inspiring exchange of ideas! Last week, we had the pleasure of hosting a delegation of top architects and managers from Arcplus. We presented our projects and delved into thought-provoking discussions on sustainability, circularity, and urban and architectural quality. #Architecture #UrbanPlanning #Sustainability #Circularity #ArchitecturalQuality #GlobalCollaboration #helsinkizurich #Arcplus #Zurich #Shanghai #Innovation #DesignExcellence #BetterCityBetterLife
HZ’s very own Mirjam Niemeyer, along with Reto Pfenninger, lead a design studio at ZHAW Architektur, Gestaltung und Bauingenieurwesen focusing on urban development in the “Limmatstadt”. Very inspiring student work! #Stadtentwicklung #UrbanDevelopment #Städtebau #UrbanDesign #Architektur #Architecture
Our project, which was selected as the basis for the future development of the ‘Östliches Zentrum Jona’ in Rapperswil-Jona, Switzerland, can now be viewed in the exhibition in ‘Stadthaus’ in Rapperswil-Jona. HZ’s Tommi had the pleasure of presenting our in-depth study of the ‘Stadttorplatz’, the spatial and traffic situation of the square and the potential for urban densification. #SelectedProject #VisionaryDesign #CityCenterRevamp #WirOrt #WePlace #UrbanRenewal #SustainableDevelopment #UrbanDesignExcellence #LandscapeArchitecture #TrafficPlanning #MixedUseSpaces #Densification #InnovativeDesign #ZurichArchitects #HelsinkiZurichCollab #BöeLandschaftsarchitektur #Rombo #RapperswilJona #SwissQuality
HZ’s Antti gave recently a lecture in Shanghai World Design Capital Conference on New Energy Transformation in Urban Space: Zero Carbon Campuses #CampusDevelopment #UrbanDesign #StrategicUrbanDevelopment #Sustainability #NewEnergy #Transformation #UrbanSpace #ZeroCarbon
The small hybrid – Parish House and Apartments ELKZ, Zurich CH, 2022: Now published on “The [Radical] Project”. Check it out: #parishhouse #housing #ensemble #haritage #church #realized #apartments #zurich
Our work together with S2L Landscape and IBV Hüsler for the city of Lucerne on a future-oriented, sustainable and circular in-development for a neighborhood is now online. #urbanplanning #urbandesign #architecture #circularity #heritage #swissarchitects #zuricharchitects #helsinkizurich #s2l #ibvhüsler #hslu #alexabodammer #rotsee #luzern #switzerland
The small hybrid – Parish House and Apartments ELKZ, Zurich CH, 2022: Now published in Baunetz – the biggest online magazine in German language. Check it out: #parishhouse #housing #ensemble #haritage #church #realized #apartments #zurich
If in Berlin: HZ‘s Mirjam Talks about Circular Building at the Berliner Bücherfest 2023 on Saturday #circularity #circularbuilding #sustainability #sustainablebuilding #BerlinerBucherfest