Category: News
New Address: our Helsinki Office has moved to Väinämöisenkatu 19a, 00100 Helsinki, Finland

Architekt*in/Städtebauer*in gesucht! Schick uns dein Bewerbungsunterlagen an:

Praktikant*in/Werkstudent*in ab sofort gesucht! Schick uns dein Bewerbungsunterlagen an:
How does sustainable urban infill work? We are delighted that one of our projects, the Parish and Residential House on Kurvenstrasse in Zurich, has been featured on BauNetz as one of the exemplary urban densification projects in Switzerland! The project showcases how good architecture and careful urban design can create new, high-quality housing within urban surroundings while maintaining the balance between historically significant elements (in our case, a listed church), green spaces with high recreational value, and new constructions. We are committed to designing sustainable and livable spaces for the city of tomorrow. #Architecture #UrbanDesign #Densification #SustainableDevelopment #Zurich #SmallHybrid #ResidentialBuilding #ParishHouse #Sustainability #Helsinkizurich #Ramserschmid

The future of the Schlachthof Area, Zurich – HZ selected with team for test planning — We are excited to share that our team, in collaboration with Planikum, Rombo Verkehrsplanung, Denkmalwerkstatt, Albprojekte, Maresa Kuhn, and Stephan Brunner, has been selected by the Amt für Städtebau, Zürich, to work on the test planning for the Schlachthof area in Zurich. #UrbanDevelopment #Zürich #SchlachthofAreal #Heritage #PublicSpace #Landmark #Sustainability #CircularEconomy #Transformation #Innovation #FoodProduction #FoodCluster #Participation #TemporaryUse #helsinkizurich #Zurich #SlaughterhouseArea #BetterCityBetterLife #Collaboration

Arcplus from Shanghai visits helsinkizurich in Zurich for an inspiring exchange of ideas! Last week, we had the pleasure of hosting a delegation of top architects and managers from Arcplus. We presented our projects and delved into thought-provoking discussions on sustainability, circularity, and urban and architectural quality. #Architecture #UrbanPlanning #Sustainability #Circularity #ArchitecturalQuality #GlobalCollaboration #helsinkizurich #Arcplus #Zurich #Shanghai #Innovation #DesignExcellence #BetterCityBetterLife

HZ’s very own Mirjam Niemeyer, along with Reto Pfenninger, lead a design studio at ZHAW Architektur, Gestaltung und Bauingenieurwesen focusing on urban development in the “Limmatstadt”. Very inspiring student work! #Stadtentwicklung #UrbanDevelopment #Städtebau #UrbanDesign #Architektur #Architecture
helsinkizurich’s Sevim recently led a compelling discussion on gender-sensitive planning and architecture in Bern. This crucial dialogue sheds light on a topic our diverse team has long been deeply engaged with across all our projects. #VereinLares #Gendergerecht #Gendersensible #GenderSensitiveDesign #InclusiveArchitecture #UrbanInclusion #GenderEquality #DesignForAll #GenderEquity #FeministUrbanism #DiverseSpaces #EquitableDesign #WomenInArchitecture #SocialJusticeDesign #AccessibleCities #IntersectionalDesign #EmpowermentThroughDesign #UrbanGenderGap #inclusivedesign #CradletoCradle
Last Wednesday, the Finnish Embassy in Bern and the Finnish Honorary Consulate in Zurich hosted a screening of the architectural film ‘AALTO’ by @VirpiSuutari at the beautiful RiffRaff-building by Peter Märkli in Zurich. To welcome the guests, Roland Züger, architect, editor-in-chief of @werkbauenundwohnen and lecturer at @ZHAW.archbau, and HZ’s Tommi as the Honorary Consul of Finland, discussed the work of the Aaltos in today’s architectural and personal context. The film took viewers into the fascinating world behind the globally renowned name Aalto. The highly intimate film shed light on the significance and role of Aalto’s two wives in the creative processes. It exemplified the humanistic approach to design of one of the most significant modern architects through key buildings and furniture pieces. We would like to thank guests for coming to this great evening, as well the @FinlandinSwitzerland for making this evening possible.

Our project, which was selected as the basis for the future development of the ‘Östliches Zentrum Jona’ in Rapperswil-Jona, Switzerland, can now be viewed in the exhibition in ‘Stadthaus’ in Rapperswil-Jona. HZ’s Tommi had the pleasure of presenting our in-depth study of the ‘Stadttorplatz’, the spatial and traffic situation of the square and the potential for urban densification. #SelectedProject #VisionaryDesign #CityCenterRevamp #WirOrt #WePlace #UrbanRenewal #SustainableDevelopment #UrbanDesignExcellence #LandscapeArchitecture #TrafficPlanning #MixedUseSpaces #Densification #InnovativeDesign #ZurichArchitects #HelsinkiZurichCollab #BöeLandschaftsarchitektur #Rombo #RapperswilJona #SwissQuality

HZ’s Antti gave recently a lecture in Shanghai World Design Capital Conference on New Energy Transformation in Urban Space: Zero Carbon Campuses #CampusDevelopment #UrbanDesign #StrategicUrbanDevelopment #Sustainability #NewEnergy #Transformation #UrbanSpace #ZeroCarbon
We’re thrilled to announce that HZ, in collaboration with @MettlerLandschaftsarchitekten and @Rombo, has won 1st Prize in the urban design competition for the ‘Bahnhofstrasse Nord’ in Herisau, Switzerland! HZ’s Tommi had the pleasure of presenting our proposal to the public in an event with an audience of more than 50 people in Herisau. #CompetitionWinner #1stPrize #SustainableArchitecture #UrbanDesignExcellence #UrbanHousing #UrbanPlanning #LandscapeArchitecture #TrafficPlanning #TrainStation #MixedUseDevelopment #TimberArchitecture #SwissDesign #ZurichArchitects #helsinkizurich #Collab #MettlerLandschaftsarchitektur #Rombo #Herisau #AppenzellAusserhoden #SwissExcellence

The small hybrid – Parish House and Apartments ELKZ, Zurich CH, 2022: Now published on “The [Radical] Project”. Check it out: #parishhouse #housing #ensemble #haritage #church #realized #apartments #zurich

Our work together with S2L Landscape and IBV Hüsler for the city of Lucerne on a future-oriented, sustainable and circular in-development for a neighborhood is now online. #urbanplanning #urbandesign #architecture #circularity #heritage #swissarchitects #zuricharchitects #helsinkizurich #s2l #ibvhüsler #hslu #alexabodammer #rotsee #luzern #switzerland
HZ Partner Mirjam Niemeyer together with @nataliyakozub write about Circular Construction in Ukraine in the book “Urban Coalition for Ukraine: Strategies and Proposals”. The publication reflects the work of the first year of @ro3kvit and is a part of the Histories of Ukrainian Architecture program initiated by DOM publishers in response to Russia’s attack on Ukraine’s sovereignty on 24 February 2022. #rebuildingukraine #publication #circularconstruction #ukraine #ro3kvit #resilience #solidarity #urbanplanning #architecture #circularbuilding #circularcity #homesfortomorrow
HZ chosen to plan a new center for Andermatt! #walkable #newcenter #touristdestination #mountainvillage #mountainresort #masterplan #urbanplanning #urbandesign #architecture #landscapearchitecture #circularity #swissarchitects #zuricharchitects #helsinkizurich #Andermatt #Uri #switzerland
We are pleased about the publication of our first prize for the Quartier Mühlkanal in Salach together with @Cadrage in the Baden-Württemberg edition of the DAB (Deutsches Architektenblatt) of October. The project is part of the IBA Internationale Bauaustellung 2027 in Region Stuttgart. #publication #resilience #solidarity #urbanplanning #urbandesign #architecture #IBA27 #homesfortomorrow #helsinkizurich #Salach #swissarchitects #zuricharchitects #switzerland
As part of the Open House Zürich program, Hz’s Tommi gives an input lecture at the panel discussion on the topic of “How much GREEN? How much CITY? We take a look at the Manegg district.” and then discusses with representatives of the business community and developers, as well as our colleague Sevim as an architect and resident, whether the Manegg neighborhood is really the high-quality living space that was desired at the start of planning over ten years ago. #paneldiscussion #openhousezurich #manegg