The Heart of Suvela, Espoo FI, 2016

HZ was commissioned to do a Development Concept for the center of Suvela. Suvela is a – for the region typical – monofunctional suburban satellite. Based on a modernist scheme and and a building stock dating from the 70›s Suvela is in a serious need of revitalization. Our task was to bring all key-stakeholders together and work-out a realistic Development Concept for the centrally situated block consisting of a school, community center and a shopping center – all run-down. Our guiding vision of the «Heart of Suvela» is to create a focal point for the surroundings and make the suburb more urban, lively and liveable.  In order to align the interests and the use of few resources several scenarios were studied. The chosen Development Concept foresees a Heart which is developed as a tightly knitted mixed-use tissue around the existing elementary school: infill housing provides density and variety in order to attract new inhabitants; efficient land-use ensures feasibility and necessary client-basis for the new service center; the senior housing high-rise stands as a landmark on  a square which unites the main services and provides an orientation point for the community. 

City of Espoo FI
Time 2013-2014
Team Tommi Mäkynen, Mirjam Niemeyer, Roberto Schumacher, Michelangelo D’Ettorre