HZ invited to study the masterplan for Gallisacher Ost in Augst CH. The area lies between Salina Raurica and the Rhein River within the Greater Basel area. We’re teamed with Westpol Landscape Architects #urbandesign #masterplan #transformation #living #homesfortomorrow

HZ invited to study the masterplan for Gallisacher Ost in Augst CH. The area lies between Salina Raurica and the Rhein River within the Greater Basel area. We’re teamed with Westpol Landscape Architects #urbandesign #masterplan #transformation #living #homesfortomorrow

HZ invited to study the masterplan for Gallisacher Ost in Augst CH. The area lies between Salina Raurica and the Rhein River within the Greater Basel area. We’re teamed with Westpol Landscape Architects #urbandesign #masterplan #transformation #living #homesfortomorrow